Languages in Bhutan

Languages & Medium of Communication in Bhutan
'Dzongkha', literally meaning the language spoken in administrative centers 'Dzongs', is the national language of Bhutan. Widely spoken in the western part of the country, Dzongkha was declared as a state language in 1971. Bhutan in general is a multi-lingual society with over nineteen dialects spoken throughout the country. Besides Dzongkha, there are three other prominent languages i.e., 'Tshanglakha' also known as 'Sharchokpa' and spoken in eastern Bhutan,' Lhotshamkha' also known as 'Nepalese' and spoken in the southern region and 'Bumthangkha', spoken in central Bhutan.

English is widely spoken as is the medium of instruction in schools and locals at major tourist towns and centres communicate exceedingly well in the English language. Due to Bhutan's proximity with India and excellent relationship between two neighbours resulting in regular travel and that combined with the popularization of Hindi movies and TV programs within the country, Hindi is also amazingly well understood and spoken by locals.